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Classified Advertising
A look at the basics of adding classified advertising to your newsletter, including how to write a disclaimer and what types of benefits both you and your readers will receive when you add this type of advertising to your publication.
Fitting It All In: Finding Time to Do Your Newsletter
A look at how to schedule your newsletter production time each month. Includes a handy scheduling form to make it easy to determine how much time you need to complete your newsletter each month.
Getting Feedback
Feedback and suggestions from your readers are the best assessments you can obtain about your newsletter. Find out how to get your subscribers to comment, which questions to ask, and what to do with that information to improve your publication.
How to Save Money on Your Printing Costs
We offer several ways you can reduce the cost of printing your newsletter, generally the most costly portion of your newsletter budget. From paper choice to use of color to working with your printer, we cover it all.
Making Sure They Can Pay
Before you accept a new customer who will be billed instead of paying upfront, you should consider running a credit check. This is a basic primer on what information you will need to collect to successfully check someone's credit.
Making Your Newsletter Pay for Itself
In this article on advertisements in your newsletter, we look at obtaining advertising suitable for your newsletter. The following explores several options you have when pursuing advertisements for your publication, including how to connect with advertisers, how to establish your advertisement formats, the best way to help your advertisers prepare their ads, and more.
Solving Your Payment Problems
Although it can happen that a customer simply will not pay you, many payment problems result from lack of organization or a system to track payments and outstanding bills. Here are some tips and guidelines for setting up a payment tracking system, how to get your bill noticed, when to follow-up, and what to do when a client just will not pay you for your services.
Your Ad Acceptance Policy
Accepting ads in your newsletter can boost your bottom line. But you need to remain in control of what makes it into your newsletter. Having a well defined advertising acceptance policy allows you to effectively communicate with your advertisers in the event that you must reject an ad. It also allows you an "out" if you feel that a submitted ad would offend your readers.

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